Restful Nights for You & Your Baby

Expert Sleep Coaching

End sleepless nights for you and your baby with our personalised sleep coaching & gentle, evidence-based methods.

Family Focus



Sleep Plans

Expert Educator

Holistic Sleep
Coaching Certified

Bachelor Degree in
Psychology & Psychoanalysis

Masters of Science in Work & Organisational Psychology

Diploma in Business, Executive and Personal Coaching


Is Our Program For You?

  • Feeling depleted

  • Chasing naps

  • Frequent night wakings

  • Difficulty getting baby to sleep

  • Looking to night wean

  • Back to work and transitioning childcare

  • Nap-trapped

  • Early rising

  • Sleep regression (progression!)

  • Difficulty staying asleep

  • Expecting another baby

  • Planning to transition baby into his/her own room

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above book your free introductory call today!

Holistic Sleep Solutions

Your Customised Plan & Expert Guidance

The Power of Sleep Coaching

What Can You Expect

The process explained step-by-step

Connect with your sleep coach
(30 minutes)

Connect with your sleep coach via Video Call.
Discuss your baby's sleep challenges and your goals. Learn more about our personalised sleep coaching approach.

Getting to know Your Baby's Sleep
(Sent to you within 24 hours)

1. A holistic questionnaire so we can get to learn more about your baby and your family unit as a whole.

2. A detailed diary so we can track your babies sleeping, feeding and awake rhythm over the course of a seven day period.

In-Depth Consultation
(60-90 minutes)

Discuss your personalized sleep plan with your sleep coach via video call. Get answers to your questions and address any concerns.
Receive a PDF copy of your sleep plan for future reference.

Find the Perfect Plan
(within 24 hours)

Choose the sleep coaching program that best suits your needs. Schedule a consultation call 10-14 days out (allowing you enough time to return intake forms in time for analysis by your sleep coach).

Personalized Sleep Plan
(3 days before consultation)

Your sleep coach will analyze your intake forms to create a customized sleep plan tailored to your baby's unique needs and your family's situation.

Continued Support Throughout Your Journey
(Depending on your plan of choice)

Get ongoing support through WhatsApp messenger. Participate in 4 x 60-minute review calls to track progress versus plan and adjust where required.

What Can You Expect

The process explained step-by-step

Book Your Free Introductory Call

Sleep Packages

1:1 Sleep Consultation (Redeemable against Sleep Packages)


Suitable for babies from 3 months of age

up to 6 years of age

Package includes:

  • 60-minute consultation to troubleshoot specific sleep-related challenges and concerns

  • Basic sleep assessment of habits and possible sleep associations

  • Spot check on planned sleeping arrangements and a guide to safe sleep

  • Infant sleep – the science explained

  • Tips and pointers that can be implemented straight away

Package includes:

  • 90 minute 1:1 videoconference call with Hannah

  • Sleep diary and questionnaire completion

  • Comprehensive evaluation based on your child’s schedule, history, temperament, etc.

  • Custom report plan to improve your child’s sleep

  • Concrete recommendation report tailored around your families’ needs

1:1 Sleep Consultation &
Individualised Plan


Suitable for babies from 3 months of age

up to 6 years of age

1:1 Sleep Consultation &
Individualised Plan

+ 1 Month Aftercare


Suitable for babies from 3 months of age

up to 6 years of age

Package includes:

  • 90 minute 1:1 videoconference call with Hannah

  • Sleep diary and questionnaire completion

  • Comprehensive evaluation based on your child’s schedule, history, temperament, etc.

  • Custom report plan to improve your child’s sleep

  • Concrete recommendation report tailored around your families’ needs

  • 4 x 60 minute progress calls

  • Daily support through Whatsapp messenger

What Our Clients Say

Meet Your Sleep Coach

I’m Hannah. I’m a Mum of two and a qualified Holistic Sleep Coach. From a personal level what brought me to the work of infant sleep coaching was my overall discomfort with the advised ‘tough it out’ approach to baby sleep that for me, as someone with a low tolerance for crying, I really struggled with.

From a professional level, supporting people through change (transitioning from A to B) has always been my area of expertise. Drawing upon my background in Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Business, Life and Executive Coaching, together with my work in behavioural change means that I take a research and evidence based approach in working with my clients.

My approach to infant sleep is both gentle and holistic. After a thorough evaluation of your baby and family I find the reason(s) why things are out of sync and work to a plan that is bespoke to your individual style, needs and goals.

Hannah Donovan


  • Parents come to me for a variety of reasons such as – they are struggling to find the joy in parenting, their basic level of cognitive functioning is impaired, the lack of sleep is impacting their relationship with their partner. The impact, if not addressed can potentially have negative implications for my clients and this is what leads to our work together.

  • My sleep recommendations are based around evidence-based, age-appropriate sleep biology and strategies. Consistency in approach and commitment to the approach agreed is the key to success. Babies take great comfort in knowing what is coming next and it helps them to learn quickly. If a plan built around your baby and your family’s unique experience, goals and objectives is something you are committed to then there is no reason why our sleep work together should not succeed.

  • My approach is 'low and slow' and for good reason. It can take up to 66 days for a new behaviour to become automatic and sleep coaching is no different. If you are looking for quick results (e.g. results within 3 days) then my approach is not for you. If you are looking for a life-long better sleeper then continue reading. Within this 66 day timeframe, parents report seeing some positive changes within the first few days of implementing sleep coaching techniques. These initial changes might include a baby falling asleep more quickly or sleeping for longer stretches. With consistent application of sleep coaching methods, significant improvements are often observed within the first two weeks. This might include the baby sleeping through the night or having more predictable and longer naps. For some babies, it can take weeks to establish stable sleep patterns. During this period, parents may need my help to to continue reinforcing sleep routines and to address any setbacks or regressions.

  • Your baby, your rules. As a Mum of two I know first-hand what it’s like to be advised to take a sleep approach that jarred with my fundamental values and belief system. It is this experience that led me to my sleep work. My approach is gentle and holistic and shouldn’t involve anything that feels uncomfortable or unnatural. If anything it should complement the bond that you have with your baby.

  • If we compare learning how to sleep to losing weight, if weight is lost too quickly chances are fundamental behavioural changes to how we live our lives haven’t taken place meaning the likelihood of gaining weight again into the future is high. The same goes for sleep – by teaching a baby how to go to sleep happy and content over time it becomes a part of who they are and how they behave.

  • Comparison can be the killer of joy and for many of us, our babies sleep can be seem fine until we talk to a friend or family member or neighbour. On realising that their baby is ‘sleeping-through’ we start to think that we have a problem. However, if this conversation didn’t happen and you feel that nothing is broken, then there is nothing to fix.

  • If breastfeeding, the support of a non-lactating partner (birthing partner, relative, friend) can be helpful. If you have more than one child the help of a babysitter or some interim childcare and support, especially at bedtime, can be extremely helpful as it frees you up to concentrate on your child’s sleep as you bring it to it to a better place.

Ready to Feel Rested?

Book Your FREE Introductory Call Today!